Wave sound absorbing foam
The material of wave sound-absorbing foam is soft and elastic, and can achieve multiple functions such as reducing noise, protecting walls, and preventing collisions.
The wavy concave and convex design has high-tension breathability and shock-absorbing breathable effects, effectively absorbing sound waves without reflecting them. Suitable for game rooms, KTV, decoration projects, cinemas, audio rooms, piano rooms, VR safety rooms, and green buildings. In addition, for large-scale transportation cabin sound insulation, lead sheets and EVA can be added, and composite materials can be used to create a more effective sound insulation effect.
Market application: transportation equipment sound insulation, building construction sound insulation, home daily sound insulation, industrial machinery sound insulation.
Contact us
Shiang Shun Ltd. (Head office)
No. 327, Lide Road, Daliao District, Kaohsiung City
shiangshun1987@gmail.com | Tel: 07-7010829
Shiang Shun Ltd. North District Studio
No. 539, Section 8, Citizen Avenue, Nangang District, Taipei City
shiangshun1987@gmail.com | Tel: 0906-516187